Kevin Dent and David McNeil prosecutes £430,000 money laundering case: 3 defendants found guilty
Kevin Dent K.C.01/08/2017

Kevin Dent and David McNeill prosecutes Channel 4 reality TV star accused of laundering profits in £430,000 fraud
Kevin Dent K.C.17/07/2017

Kevin Dent and David McNeill successfully prosecute 5-handed money laundering case at the Central Criminal Court.
Kevin Dent K.C.07/03/2017

David McNeill Health and Safety prosecution of David Lloyd gym ordered to pay £350,000.
David McNeill21/11/2016

New authority on how the court should protect the rights of third parties under POCA s 69 when making a restraint order
David McNeill02/08/2016