Dharmendra (Dee) Toor

Year of Call: 2010

Dee is a leading criminal barrister who defends & prosecutes in serious criminal cases. He is a specialist in cybercrime. He has extensive experience in organised crime, financial crime & POCA proceedings.

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Dharmendra (Dee) is a leading criminal barrister who defends and prosecutes with an established practice in serious crime. He has significant experience as leading junior and led junior.

Dee has extensive experience in organised crime, financial crime, and POCA proceedings. He is a specialist in cybercrime. In addition, he is also a specialist in Consumer and Trading Standards law.

Dee is a Grade 4 prosecutor (highest grade) and is frequently instructed by the Complex Casework Units of the CPS across the UK, dealing with cases of the utmost seriousness.

He is recognised in the Legal 500 in Crime:

"Dharmendra goes the extra mile to get the job done. He leaves no stone unturned in case preparation and presentation."

The Legal 500

Dee is a cybercrime specialist, having extensive knowledge of all cyber-dependent offending (i.e. Computer Misuse Act 1990), such as hacking, ransomware/malware attacks affecting individuals or large corporations.

  • In 2023 he was instructed by the CPS London Complex Casework Unit in Operation Ulex (also known as Lapsus$) involving a notorious hacking collective proven responsible for serious hacks on multi-billion-dollar companies such as Rockstar Games (Grand Theft Auto) Uber, Nvidia etc. The case involved close liaison with specialist officers from the FBI and the City of London Police.
  • Furthermore, he has significant experience in cases of cyber-enabled offending, typically fraud and money laundering enabled through the Dark Web.

Dee is known for defending in business crime cases against companies and/or their directors. For example, he is currently instructed to defend a company director of a large money service business (MSB) in a multi-million-pound fraud.

"Dee is exceptionally thorough and dedicated to achieving the best possible outcome for his client. His cross-examination is exceptional; he has every aspect of the papers at his fingertips leaving the witness with nowhere to turn save for conceding that he is correct."

The Legal 500, 2025

Dee has developed a keen eye for detail and is often instructed on cases with complex issues of fact and law, with tens of thousands of served pages of evidence. He is experienced in the disclosure and deployment of internationally obtained material. Many of his cases involve an international dimension and cross-border issues.

Criminal Defence

Dee has a successful track record in defending serious and organised crime involving complex issues of fact and law with multi-defendants.

He is known for being a passionate and persuasive jury advocate.

He has extensive knowledge and experience of acting in cases of murder, human trafficking, drug dealing/trafficking and fraud/money laundering.

Recent Cases:

R v TG & Others (2023) – Kingston CC
Defendant acquitted of all counts on the indictment. Allegations of GBH (s.18) and Blackmail in a gang related feud.

R v AE & others (2022) – Harrow CC
Leading Junior (defending). AE (a female and second defendant) was unanimously acquitted of all counts in a multi-handed, two-month trial at Harrow CC. The case involved a complex and novel cutthroat defence in which it was suggested, inter alia, that the first defendant had raped AE in the context of a long-standing abusive relationship. The allegations (from all sides) involved substantial crystal meth dealing, modern slavery and controlling prostitution, with tens of thousands of pages of served evidence, including phone download material.

Op Widow (2022) – Southwark CC
Leading Junior (defending). Conspiracy to facilitate unlawful entry of non-EU nationals into the UK.

Op Flan (2019 -2022) - St Albans CC
Defending - Led Junior to a KC. Multi-million-pound money laundering case concerning the running of a money service business linked to multi-kilo drug operations. Defendant was acquitted of all charges following the Crown offering no evidence. The defence had sought to argue that the disclosure process was flawed, which may have led to a stay. There were over 100k pages of served evidence.

Op Serpent (2021) – Birmingham CC
Defending – junior alone. Dee represented AW; the only defendant acquitted out of 20 defendants in total. AW faced allegations of large multi-kilo Conspiracies to Supply Class A Drugs. The case, heard at Birmingham Crown Court, featured a voluminous amount of material (over 10k pages of served evidence). The trial also contained references to modern slavery offences for others.

Criminal Prosecutions - Private & Public

Dee is instructed in cases of the utmost seriousness including murder and, by way of example, is frequently instructed by the CPS Complex Casework Units across the UK, as both led junior and junior alone.

He is a Grade 4 Prosecutor on the CPS General Crime Panel and Grade 3 on the CPS Serious Crime Panel.

Dee is a specialist in cybercrime prosecutions, especially those involving hacking collectives, along with allegations of cyber enabled fraud.

Recent cases:

Op Kedgeree (ongoing) – Northampton CC
Leading Junior for the Crown instructed by East Midlands CCU. Conspiracies to steal and burgle, resulting in losses of £4million.

Op Spainato (2023) – St Albans CC
Led junior for the Crown. Successful prosecution of a son who murdered his father by torture. Complicated issues surrounding the loss of control.

Op Ulex (2023) – Southwark CC
Led Junior for the Crown instructed by London CCU.  Successful prosecution of hackers from the notorious Lapsus$ international hacking collective over the course of a 7-week trial at Southwark Crown Court. The case was described in Court during the trial as ‘probably the most complex hacking case ever brought in the UK’.

Op Baritone (2021 - 2023) – Loughborough CC
Led Junior for the Crown to a KC. Instructed by West Midlands CCU. Successful prosecution of an OCG in an 8 handed Conspiracy to Murder involving a planned execution.

Asset Forfeiture, Confiscation & Civil Fraud

Dee has extensive knowledge of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002. He is a specialist in cash forfeiture and account freezing applications/orders, including confiscation and restraint proceedings under Part II POCA 2002.

Business Crime & Financial Regulation

Dee specialises in Business Crime.

He has extensive knowledge and experience of acting in cases concerning allegations of large-scale fraud and money laundering.

He is routinely instructed to defend prosecutions brought by HMRC and The Insolvency Service. Additionally, he has significant experience of cases alleging offences contrary to the Companies Act 2006 and similar offences.

In addition, he is also a specialist in Consumer and Trading Standards law having appeared for both the prosecution and defence in a broad spectrum of regulatory offences against corporate bodies brought by Local Authorities. He is frequently instructed by local authorities in a range of complex matters including, most recently, several multi-handed animal welfare matters, one of which involved Judicial Review proceedings in the High Court.

Extradition & International

International / Multi-Jurisdictional Cases

Dee is instructed in criminal cases that are complex, detailed, and serious. Many of his cases involve an international dimension and cross-border/multi-jurisdictional issues. 

Dee is experienced in the disclosure and deployment of internationally obtained material. 

Additional Information

Professional Panel Appointments

  • Grade 4 CPS Prosecutor
  • Grade 3 on Serious Crime Panel


  • Spanish


Dee regularly gives talks and seminars to legal professionals on crypto assets within the context of cybercrime offending and has been involved in several crypto-related cases surrounding confiscation, account forfeiture and restraint proceedings.

Professional Memberships

  • Criminal Bar Association (CBA).
  • Fraud Lawyers Association (FLA).

Cases of Note

Cyber Crime

Op Ulex (2023) - Also known as Lapsus$ – Southwark CC

Led Junior for the Crown instructed by London CCU. Successful prosecution of hackers from the notorious Lapsus$ international hacking collective over the course of a 7-week trial at Southwark Crown Court. The case was described in Court during the trial as ‘probably the most complex hacking case ever brought in the UK’.


Op Vitelius (2021) – Southwark CC

Led Junior for the Crown. Instructed by London CCU (Complex Casework Unit). Successful prosecution of all 6 defendants for a cybercrime fraud conspiracy with an estimated 50,000 complainants and anticipated onward fraudulent losses of circa £9 million. An “industrial scale” fraud was conducted via the setting up of a series of fraudulent companies and websites over 2 years resulting in the widescale theft of third-party financial and personal data enhanced by vishing. The data yield was offered for sale on general and uniquely designed sites on the deep/dark web. Money laundering via cryptocurrency exchanges converted the profits to fiat currency.

Op Bali [2020] – Nottingham CC

Junior Alone for the Crown. Successful prosecution of employees of a reputable company, alleged to have been involved in a series of cyber-attacks against the company resulting in a loss of over £800k.

Serious Crime

Op Iron – (ongoing) – Birmingham CC

Led Junior to a KC. Instructed by West Midlands CCU (Complex Casework Unit). Allegations of police corruption involving a serving police sergeant from West Midlands Police accused of misconduct in public office.

Op Kedgeree (ongoing) – Northampton CC

Leading Junior for the Crown instructed by East Midlands CCU. Conspiracies to steal and burgle, resulting in losses of £4million.

Op Spainato (2023) – St Albans CC

Led junior for the Crown. Successful prosecution of a son who murdered his father by torture Complicated issues surrounding the loss of control.

Op Baritone (2021 - 2023) – Loughborough CC

Led Junior for the Crown to a KC. Instructed by West Midlands CCU. Successful prosecution of an OCG in an 8 handed Conspiracy to Murder involving a planned execution.

R v AE & others (2022) – Harrow CC

Leading Junior (defending). AE (a female and second defendant) was unanimously acquitted of all counts in a multi-handed, two-month trial at Harrow CC. The case involved a complex and novel cutthroat defence in which it was suggested, inter alia, that the first defendant had raped AE in the context of a long-standing abusive relationship. The allegations (from all sides) involved substantial crystal meth dealing, modern slavery and controlling prostitution, with tens of thousands of pages of served evidence, including phone download material. The defendant's case was that she is a victim of modern slavery, and we presented a wealth of material to support her defence at trial. Instructed by Lloyds PR Solicitors.

Op Swan (2022) – Nottingham CC

Led Junior for the Crown. Instructed by East Midlands Complex Casework Unit. Prosecuting 12 members of an OCG for the alleged multi-kilo supply of cocaine from the North West to the East Midlands.

Op Serpent (2021) – Birmingham CC

Defending – junior alone. Dee represented AW; the only defendant acquitted out of 20 defendants in total. AW faced allegations of large multi-kilo Conspiracies to Supply Class A Drugs. The case, heard at Birmingham Crown Court, featured a voluminous amount of material (over 10k pages of served evidence). The trial also contained references to modern slavery offences for others.

Op Disturb (2021) – Ipswich CC

Led Junior. Instructed by East of England CCU (Complex Casework Unit). A multi-handed trial at Ipswich CC involving large scale cannabis production/supply and people trafficking offences. The trial was the culmination of a lengthy police operation including covert surveillance, telephone and cell site analysis, banking transactions, and expert evidence. A vast body of evidence was reduced to manageable schedules for trial presentation. All defendants were convicted.

Op Apple 1, 2 and 3 (2018 – 2019)– Birmingham CC

Led Junior for the Crown, instructed by West Midlands CCU (Complex Casework Unit). Led to one KC and two senior juniors across three separate trials. 3 large-scale investigations by Staffordshire Police into Organised Crime involving a total of 18 defendants accused of multi-kilo supply of Class A drugs. In one case, large-scale supply was organised from within prison establishments. The case involved tens of thousands of pages of served evidence.

Op Rakuyou (2016) – Southwark CC

Allegations of conspiracy to traffick women into/within the UK for the purposes of sexual exploitation; and conspiracy to launder the proceeds of criminal activity. The defendant was first on the indictment, which was laid against 9 defendants in total. The lack of investigation or adequate disclosure forced the Crown to drop all trafficking counts.

Op Dryad (2016) – Chelmsford CC

Three-month trial, involving allegations of historic rape, sexual exploitation, and conspiracy to supply Class A Drugs concerning three young females. Defendant acquitted.

Fraud/Money Laundering

Op Flan (2019 -2022) - St Albans CC

Defending - Led Junior to a KC. Multi-million-pound money laundering case concerning the running of a money service business linked to multi-kilo drug operations. Defendant was acquitted of all charges following the Crown offering no evidence. The defence had sought to argue that the disclosure process was flawed, which may have led to a stay. There were over 100k pages of served evidence.

Op Gwendreath (2019 – 2021)– Southwark CC

Led Junior for the first defendant. Allegations of large-scale theft of motor vehicles and money laundering valued at over £10million.

R v CW [2018] – Wood Green CC

Represented the first defendant in a multi-handed two-week trial alleging drug dealing and sophisticated money laundering through online investment platforms. Defendant acquitted of all five counts at trial.

Op Garfunkel [2017] – Snaresbrook CC

Conspiracy to evade excise duty on significant importations of cigarettes and tobacco. The alleged loss was £450,000. Represented the only defendant acquitted after a two-week trial.

R v SS [2017] Harrow CC

Allegations of money laundering against a daughter said to have stolen and laundered the proceeds of her father’s estate valued at £180,000. Required careful and thoughtful cross-examination of an elderly and profoundly deaf complainant. Defendant acquitted of all charges at half-time.

Op Fireball [2016] – Central Criminal Court

Multi-handed conspiracy to launder the proceeds of a large-scale internet shopping fraud valued at £450,000. This case involved complex financial evidence running to many thousands of pages.

Op Arad [2016] – Harrow CC

Large scale Internet Shopping Fraud valued in excess of £1 million. Represented the first defendant, responsible for organising the removal of the illicit funds and managing account openers (money mules). The Crown extensively relied on telephone evidence.


Leicester County Council v Hudson and Sanders Ltd (2022) – High Court

Successfully represented the local authority in proceedings brought against the defendant company – a large poultry business owner, for the death of over 27,000 chickens in their care. During proceedings the defendant sought to judicially review preliminary determinations by the judge, which were successfully opposed in the High Court.


Op Tarlac [2018] – Leicester Crown Court

Junior Alone. Multi-million-pound money laundering case. Representing a defendant during complex confiscation proceedings with forensic accountants. The Crown were represented by a KC and junior.

Op Veneer [2015 – 2017]- Southwark Crown Court

Led Junior to a KC. A multi-handed money laundering case which concerned the running of a money service business alleged to have been involved in a £150 million fraud. Following careful analysis, the benefit figure was reduced by over half. Investigated by HMRC.

R v MS [2015] - Central Criminal Court

Cash Forfeiture appeal heard at the Central Criminal Court. Overturned a decision of the lower court in relation to a cash sum of more than £300,000.