Maria Scotland MCIArb

Year of Call: 1995

"Her drafting is outstanding and her advocacy persuasive."

The Legal 500 2021 for Family (Including Divorce & Financial Remedy).

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"Maria has excellent knowledge and thorough preparation. She prepares excellent documents and deals well with clients in a firm and friendly manner."

The Legal 500, 2023

"Maria's approachable and personable attitude makes her a great court advocate. Clients like her."

The Legal 500, 2023


Maria practices exclusively in family law with a specialism in high-end/ big money financial remedy applications and (private law) children work. 

Maria is recognised in Spears' 500 Guide (2023 & 2024): as a Top Recommended Family Law Barrister within the exclusive guide. Maria is also an author at Spears', with her recent article on Divorcing in Dubai: Should wealthy Expats worry about new UAE family laws? can be accessed here.

Maria is ranked in the Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners in family law (including divorce & financial remedy). She is one of the leading family law juniors and is the joint head of the Family Team at 5SAH.

Maria is a qualified arbitrator in financial matters and an accredited civil mediator.

Maria recently completed the Advocate 25 for 25 challenge, undertaking over 25 hours of pro-bono in under a year on behalf of Advocate.

“Maria's preparation is spot-on, which puts you in a position of strength.”

Chambers & Partners 2024.

‘Maria has a personable, approvable and considerate approach. She is always at hand and has a fantastic way of explaining complex matters to clients.’

The Legal 500 2024.

"A very effective advocate with excellent drafting skills."

The Legal 500 2013/14

"She excels in private law children work and is also noted for her expertise in financial remedy cases."

Chambers & Partners 2014

“Maria Scotland is a strong advocate in court on complex financial remedies cases, who fights hard for her clients.”

Chambers & Partners 2024.

"Maria Scotland is commended by sources for her calm but firm advocacy style. Her broad family law practice encompasses ancillary relief work with an international dimension, and she is especially noted for her work in private law children disputes."

Chambers & Partners 2013

“Maria has the ear of the court.”

Chambers & Partners 2024.

"Her drafting is outstanding and her advocacy persuasive."

The Legal 500 2022 & 2021

Additional information

  • Maria is a qualified arbitrator in financial matters under the Institute of Family Arbitrators Scheme.

Awards and Prizes

  • In 2010 Maria won the 14th Annual Sydney Elland Goldsmith Award: a prestigious annual award granted by The Bar Council for services to the Bar.
  • Sir Raymond Phillips MD award (1995).
  • Gray’s Inn Senior Scholar: David Karmel award (1994).

Family & Children

Maria practices exclusively in family law with a specialism in high end/ big money financial remedy applications and (private law) children work. 

Maria is well known at the Bar and has won an award for her work from the Bar Council. She is extremely warm and engaging with members of the public and clients alike. As someone who is divorced and a single mother to two young daughters, she understands all too well the emotional as well as financial impact family breakdown and court proceedings has upon clients, their children and family alike. However, her warm approach with clients belies a tenacious and dogged approach with the other side and in court. She is trusted by several loyal instructing solicitors and members of the judiciary and has had a loyal following throughout her practice at the family bar since 1995.  

Her money/ financial practice concerns cases where the parties’ wealth is substantial or else the issues complex. She is regularly involved in cases where the asset wealth is several million, involving issues of serious non-disclosure, assets outside of the jurisdiction, international issues, and family Trusts. She has a wealth of experience where clients, who were domiciled in England & Wales, are divorced and have their financial affairs dealt with by the Family Court in London whilst living as an ex patriate in the UAE, Australia, America and other Arab countries. Maria’s money work includes acting for the husband/ boyfriend, wife/ girlfriend or else third-party intervener including on behalf of the Crown (in asset recovery cases). Maria also undertakes Trusts of Land Act 1996 (TOLATA) matters, concerning parties who were never married.

Maria is also a strong advocate in private children law disputes (including financial claims on behalf of a child under Schedule 1). She is professional but empathetic, bringing to court proceedings the “human touch”.

International Family

Cases of Note

T v G [2024] EWHC 246 (Fam)

Led by James Turner KC, Maria Scotland appeared for the Respondent.


T (A Child) (No.2) (Transparency: Publication of the Party’s Names), Re [2024] EWHC 161 (Fam)

Maria Scotland appears for the Applicant.


T( A Child) (s9(6) Children Act 1989 orders: Exceptional Circumstances: Parental Alienation), Re [2024] EWHC 59 (Fam)

Maria Scotland acted for the applicant.


Re T (Abduction: Protective Measures: Agreement to Return) [2023] EWCA Civ 1415

Led by James Turner KC, Maria Scotland successfully appeared for the Appellant (mother) before the Court of Appeal


Brisset v Brisset [2009] EWCA Civ 314

Brisset v Brissett [2009] EWCA Civ 679

Re A (a child) (supervised contact) (s.91(14) Children Act 1989 orders) [2021] EWCA Civ 1749

Here is what the judiciary, members of the profession and clients have said about Maria:

Lord Justice Wilson in Brisset v Brisset [2009] EWCA 679

The performance of counsel was outstanding. Indeed the hearing was short because counsel’s submissions, written and oral, were so clear, so succinct and so realistic.

Lord Justice Sedley in Brisset v Brisset [2009] EWCA 679

I agree with the judgment of Lord Justice Wilson, not least in relation to the high standard of representation and advocacy before this court.