James Fletcher, instructed by Andrew Ford of Holborn Adams solicitors successfully argued against the Police’s applications for four Account Freezing Orders over bank accounts held by two individuals in the total sum of £105,000. The Police’s suspicion was based upon funds being transferred into the accounts from the United States but the Police had failed to identify any reasonable suspicion of originating unlawful conduct in the USA or any unlawful intended use. The Chief Magistrate, sitting at Westminster Magistrates Court, agreed with James’ submissions and refused the applications on the merits. He also made an award of costs in favour of Holborn Adams’ clients. 

James practises in both civil and criminal law. He is a specialist in Asset Recovery money laundering and Proceeds of Crime work. He has significant expertise in dealing with Account Freezing, Listed Assets and Forfeiture applications in the Magistrates Court and Civil Recovery in the High Court. He is instructed on behalf of businesses, by individual members of the public and by Government departments, such as the NCA, HMRC, FCA and DPP.