Interpol Red Notice Lawyers Ben Keith and Rhys Davies, editors of Red Notice Monitor, provide expert analysis to Sky News in their latest Podcast, Episode 3: Life Sentence: The Misuse of Interpol Red Notices. The podcast takes a look at the worst-case scenarios for being on the wrong end of a Red Notice.
"In this episode, Sahar Zand goes back to speak to Brian Glendinning about his experience in Iraqi jail, and the harrowing impact of his unforeseen arrest. But Brian, compared to some people, is still lucky.
For dissidents and opposition figures around the world, the Red Notice is the latest tool for transnational repression by autocratic governments. These people often end up in prison indefinitely, or extradited to the countries they had long fled for safety.
WARNING: This episode contains strong language.
Sahar meets Zeynure and her three children. They are Uyghur exiles living in Istanbul. Zeynure's husband, Idris Hasan, has been in prison in Morocco for two years facing extradition to China. Uyghur activists like Idris are increasingly at risk of Red Notices, experts tell us, as China has increased its use of Interpol as a tool of transnational repression. Sahar talks to Idris, who says this Red Notice has been a death sentence. A potential return to China is "worse than death."
Plus, Alicia Kearns, the Conservative MP who chairs the UK Parliament's Foreign Affairs Select Committee, tells Dirty Work about the committee's "grave concerns" over how the system works. She calls on the Home Office to find a way to inform British nationals if they're the subject of a malicious red notice."
Ben Keith is a leading barrister specialising in cross-border and international cases. He deals with all aspects of Extradition, Human Rights, Mutual Legal Assistance, Interpol, Financial crime and International Law including sanctions. He represents governments, political and military leaders, High Net Worth individuals, human rights defenders and business leaders in the most sensitive cases.