New Role for Private Prosecutions in the Wake of Covid 19: Counsel Magazine
Kevin Dent K.C.22/05/2020

Dishonesty? Ghosh, Ivey got a surprise for you! (R v Barton): John Oliver and Alexa Le Moine for Lexis Nexis
John Oliver & Alexa Le Moine18/05/2020

Is it permissible for a defendant to attend (final) confiscation hearings via audio and/or video link during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic court ‘lock down’?
John Oliver13/05/2020

New criminal sentencing provisions: Alcohol Abstinence and Monitoring Requirement comes into force on 19 May 2020
John Oliver12/05/2020

5SAH Webinar: Account Freezing & Forfeiture Orders - How to respond to them
Gary Pons & John McNamara11/05/2020