Congratulations to Kevin Dent and David McNeill for their recent appointment to the Crown Prosecution Service specialist counter-terrorism panel of advocates.

David McNeill has been appointed as a level 3 advocate. Serena Gates and Kevin Dent have both been appointed as level 4 advocates. The appointments will last until 2022.

Kevin has built up a wealth of experience over 20 years and is a heavyweight in cases involving fraud, business crime and serious crime. Kevin also has extensive expertise in Regulatory and Professional Discipline cases.

David is a barrister with a strong practice in fraud and serious and organised crime cases. David has built up a wide experience prosecuting and defending difficult, complex, multi-handed cases, both alone and as junior counsel. He has particular knowledge of tax, VAT and Excise, drugs, money-laundering and organised crime cases and has been instructed on a number of cases with a significant international dimension.